
The official website of Noelle Richman, the baby formerly known as Tuffy

Thursday, March 29, 2007

My New Favorite Pic

And Who Doesn't Heart Daddy?

Noe and her friend Jacob on their first Spring Break in Vail. Despite the hand-holding and some slick lines--"You have very beautiful hair. May I ask you what kind of shampoo you use?"-- Jacob was not able to convince Noe to take her top off for the Babies Gone Wild cameras.


Somewhere in the late 1980s, Noe's Uncle Craig spent a summer birdwatching and getting laughed at by bartenders in Ogallala, Nebraska.

Now another generation of Richmans has made the pilgrimage. This is Noe earlier this month at a highway rest stop in Ogallala on the drive back from Vail to the IC.

Solid Food, Round 2

Noe seemed to be tiring of rice cereal, and both her doctor and the owner's manual (the American Academy of Pediatricians book that the hospital gave us) said it was time to move on.

We started with the orange veggies--carrots, sweet potatoes, squash--as the pediatrician recommended. Apparently, the idea is to get them used to the nasty stuff before hooking them on the much more delicious bananas and berries.

Has anybody tasted this stuff? Jen had one dab of the squash and proclaimed it so vile that we weren't even going to try to get Noe to eat it a second time.

But she seems to have taken to the sweet potatoes and carrots--of course, a pinch of sugar and cinnamon added to the mix didn't hurt--and even the peas and green beans are mostly finding their way to Noe's stomach.

Still, she was looking quite longingly at the jambalaya we had the other night.