The Newest Richman

Noelle Marie Richman was born this morning, August 23rd, at 6:30 a.m. at Mercy Hospital in Iowa City.
7 lbs., 6 oz. 20 1/2 inches.
Mother and daughter are both doing well. Father beat the odds and did not pass out at any time during the delivery. Ooja the dog is anxious to meet her little sister.
Stay tuned to this site for more posts (and better photos) in the coming days.
I dreamed you had a girl a couple of nights ago. Obviously, I am psychic.
Huge congrats!!!
w00t! Way to go! Although Brian looks like he was that one that went through labor ;-)
Congratulations!!! She's beautiful!
As is Brian, who clearly got into the morphine.
Ah, sweet morphine.
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Whoo-hoo! Horns are honking on Hotz for Noelle's arrival!
Glad you guys made it through all right.
Hooray! Congratulations to the entire family!
The ladies are beautiful. Brian, how long did you have to push?
Love to all three of you, and many, many congratulations.
Congratulations and welcome Noelle!! I hope everyone is doing well and enjoy your new arrival.
Please let Noelle know that we expect her to stop by the office(S) at her earliest convenience. She is a WOW baby.
Congratulations mom & dad. Could be a future Homecoming Queen... She's very beautiful- Enjoy your time off with Noelle
Congratulations to all! She is quite the looker. Brian, get some sleep. Jen, my hat's off! Anxious to hear Ooja's reaction.
Beautiful baby! Congratulations! We were speculating on Wednesday while at the Farmers' Market where we'd seen you guys recently, still pregnant, that perhaps you'd be visiting Mercy quite soon.
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